Sunday 26 October 2014

Not much going on down on the plot.

Not much happening down on the plot  had to remove all of the Jerusalem artichokes, only because the wind had blown them all over. Pulled them all up but I think I've left loads in the soil, in not bothered these will just grow again. Never really tried them before but I've seen that you can eat then raw and cook them,I have quite a few and I won't eat them all. So I'll save some to plant again and give some away,if I leave them to long they will go soft. 

I've pick a few more bits to take home and still have few more bits to take home, no point bringing loads home it will only go to waste. I have plenty of over grown courgettes well marrows now, we won't eat them so these will be given away and composted. 

Hoping to get to the plot a few times this week and get a few more bit done, I need to move some of the strawberries as I've planted them to close. I never learn I did get told that I've planted them too close, just didn't listen to them so now I wish I did. 

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