Sunday 20 April 2014

Doing some weeding and making wine.

It's that time of year when I've left the weeds to start to take over,I did say last year I was going to control them better. By the look of it the weeds are winning and laughing at me,I've weeded the bottom end and 3/4 of the path. Just the top end and the rest of the path to do. Give it a couple more days well half days I should be done,oh I also cleaned the shed out and made some space. 

While i was weeding i did notice a few bramble plants growing,some on the plot and some on the bark path. I haven't planted them,it must be from the birds either dropping some twigs or from berries they have eaten and it's the seeds that are left. Talking about brambles I'm just making some

Wine, I'm using 2lb of rhubarb and 1lb of brambles,I've had rhubarb wine and bramble wine but not together. So will have to wait to see what's it's like,I will be making some more rhubarb wine with the amount we have down on the plot. 

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