Tuesday 9 September 2014

Another quiet week .

Only been a few times this week but did a little more of my favourite things (weeding), got  a little bit left near the poly tunnel then that's it. Well still got both strawberry beds to sort out and sort runners out, either repot some or just cut them of and start again. The brassica section is covered in caterpillars that's what you get for leaving the netting up,I should of removed the netting once everything was strong enough to stand on it's own. That way the birds would pick the bugs and not the veg,most of the savoys have been eaten and the sprouts are holding the netting up. 

I've removed some of the netting and will remove the rest once I go back, must try and remember next year to remove the netting.  I've picked some more veg to have for some of our teas,still a bit to pick but not as much as last year.  Most of the onions have been cleared of the bad ones just a few left to sort out, not going to have a lot of them but it's better than nothing. 


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