Thursday, 27 February 2014

That's even quicker

Well I thought last week past quick this week was even quicker,I had 1 afternoon at the plot and ended up chatting and trying to take photos of some birds. I've bought a bag of bird seed to fill the feeders up,also going to mix some with oats and fat and make some fat balls or just trays. Love watching the birds feed on the food we leave for them,we think some blue tits may try nesting around the shed / bush. The tits have been seen looking in the bird boxes and the bush area so
fingers crossed we have a new family moving in. 

In the greenhouse my beans and leeks have started to grow,well I have most of the beans growing and about 2 leeks growing. Still have to plant some beans straight into the soil,may do some bean planting this weekend. I've don't bugger all the last few times I've been to the plot,either chatting or walking up and down but saying that I did week the other weekend. Just need to sort the pond out once I get the liner,can't wait to do the pond and that's another job ticked from the invisible list. 

Sunday, 23 February 2014

That week past quick

Well that week past quick while back at work not much done down at the plot,been a tad busy at work and as again babysitting the dogs. I managed to get to the plot a couple of times but really didn't do much,I finally got around to weed the strawberry bed after weeks of putting it off. I know I've done a mistake with the strawberries and garlic bed, I've planted them in the same bed I had crocus and daffodils in. So now in between the strawberries l have flowers growing,even in the garlic bed I have flowers growing so it's going to look pretty anyway. Think I'll have to buy more garlic and just have that growing in one patch,that will teach me remove    all bulbs before planting in the same patch. 

So while weeding the strawberry bed I noticed the rhubarb was starting to grow,I could force it to grow but I'll leave it to grow on its own. We have even started getting caterpillars already,we have plenty of slugs but it's the first caterpillar I've seen. 

I've even planted that New Zealand's Flax at the bottom of the plot,I know I was going to plant it in a tub at home but it will get eaten. Well it won't be eaten by us but by Winston the pug,he eats anything even the sweet peas I planted last year. 

Just done a reading on the wine I had brewing which I made in January,it was some rhubarb which I had spare so decided to make more wine. It's come out at 9% at the moment,may leave it a little longer to get stronger but may bottle it soon and leave it at 9%. 


Monday, 17 February 2014

Back to work

Been on hols for a week but back at work now so plot time will be a little at a time,but hoping to pop a few times this week if the weather holds up. Should get the pond liner in this week fingers crossed,then once that's sorted it's general tidy up then start sowing some seeds. Last week we picked up some pot ash from the local school,it's  a new school and it burns all Eco fuel so it's all good stuff. The school did leave a note on our gates saying free pot ash if you want it,so Keith went on Friday to pick some up well 3 bags and they was massive bags. The ash just looks like water it's that fine,I've put some down in the greenhouse ready for the toms later on. I may sprinkle some all over the plot and use when I start planting,when in sprinkle it won't be tons of it just handful at a time. Every little helps so I've been told. 

Friday, 14 February 2014

Just tidying up a little

Not much to report this week even though I've been on holiday,we've had a few rubbish days of weather and a couple good ones. Got a few leeks and red cabbages to take up before the frost gets them,well the leeks aren't in the way so may leave them. I've noticed in the section at the bottom of the plot where the garlic is,some of it is starting to grow I think and something else is. When I sorted patch out I must of forgot to dig all the crocus bulbs out,so looks like I'm going to grow garlic and crocus together. Can't remember if I planted tulips or daffodils as well in the same part,well at least it will look pretty and when you walk up the path. 

Still working on the new pond we have laid down some old carpet to protect the liner from stones,just have to get some liner now and get it filled up. I'm hoping  to get the liner from a chap on the allotments,but like when you want something you never can catch the person you want to get it off.

I took all my beetroot up the other week and made my last jar of beetroot,that's it now till it grows again only good thing it will last till we have some more. I go in fads sometimes I can eat loads of it and go weeks with out eating any,not like onions which we have run out of now so have to buy shop ones now not good. 

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

New transport and pottering around

I've been going to the allotment in a motorised mode of transport even though I shouldn't of done,but now in have to either use the car when the other half isn't using it or use the push bike. I've used the bike a few times and it only takes about 10 mins to get to the plot,but for some reason it takes 20 mins to get home. I can use the other mode of transport when only way home,but not straight from home to plot. 

While at the plot over the weekend we got given some eggs from a chap who has chickens,so we boiled them using the kettle and had a little egg snack while having a cuppa. 

When we finished our eggs and doing a few other bits we had a little bramble wine,it was only a small bottle  with less than half a glass each. All the brambles was picked from the allotment last year,i will make it again if the bushes are still around on the next plot. If spoke to the plot holder if I can pick some more this year and she said yes,but now she's asked Another plot holder if he see's the chap with the hedge trimmers to ask him to cut them down. OH THANKS.

Monday, 10 February 2014

Just having 5 mins rest.

Just having a five min rest and enjoying the view,nice sunny day down at the allotment. Gives you a false sense of security with the sun being out. 

Friday, 7 February 2014

Update on new pond.

Well it's the first time in ages I've been able to go and play on the allotment straight for work,so for the last couple of days I've left work and gone to the plot and played out. It's been brilliant it brings back the feeling of the good old times well last year, so while I've been playing out we carried on doing the upgrade on the pond. It shouldn't be long now till we are back up having a water feature on the plot,we have took the old bath out and will use it for something most likely holding water. When we started stripping the the bath down we found around 13 frogs in it,some in the water and a lot under the timber. Can't believe how many we found so hoping the new pond gets more,so for the last few days we have been digging and moving the soil. The soil has been put on the rest of the plot as it's not bad soil, the clay has been to raise the edges up and fill gaps. I do ache now though not used to digging and moving loads of soil, feels like I've done loads of sit ups just looking for the 6 pack now but can't find it. So I apologise for the few pics that I'm going to post from yesterday and today.  

Sorting pond out

Going to update my little pond down at the plot,what I'm going to do is take the old one out and dig a pond. The new pond going to be light bulb shape hoping anyway,I've cleared the gravel away now just need to start to dig. I'll post pics as I go along and keep you updated. 

Monday, 3 February 2014


Well couldn’t help myself and I’ve gone and got my onion sets for this year, I bought 1 bag of Stuttgarter 1 bag of Sturon and 2 turbo onions. I’ve increased it by 1 bag this year and that’s the Stuttgarter, don’t know if I will get any more yet it’s still early. Not got any spuds yet can’t decide which ones to get,might just get second early’s and main crop. Still a while yet to decide what getting,I have all my save spuds from last year to plant so don’t think I’ll run out of them.